Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Last Friday I went in for my post-op appointment and to have the uterine balloon/stint removed and, as always, it was ... interesting.

When my Dr tried to remove the saline from the balloon he wasn't able to get anything out of it, so he went ahead and removed it (which hurt like a {fill in your favorite explitive here}) and it was completely empty! Obviously, I was a bit frustrated that I suffered with mild cramping and other unpleasantries throughout the week, basically for nothing, since the balloon wasn't fully inflated while the lining was healing/regrowing. 

Perplexed, Dr. K filled the balloon with saline to see if he could identify the leak and we finally determined that it was the valve at the end of the catheter; each time it got bumped a drop or two of saline came out. However, Dr. K did say he felt like the balloon still helped, even though it wasn't fully inflated b/c it created a physical barrier to keep the uterine walls from touching while they healed. We are going to do another SIS in a few weeks to make sure everything healed up properly. Yay (said with dripping sarcasm). 

We also reviewed the pictures that he took during the procedure where he identified and removed some scar tissue that was creating a "wall like" structure at the top of the uterus near the opening to the right fallopian tube. We looked back at the pics from my previous hysteroscopy in Jan 2010 and an SIS I had done in July 2010 and nothing like that appeared, so it is baffling as to where the tissue came from. He told me that he can't explain it and if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes he would think it was two different uteruses! OF COURSE it would be my luck to have the most unique uterus known to modern science. As I told the Dr, apparently I have a Frankenuterus! Grrrr. For what it's worth, Dr. K. didn't agree that it is a Frankenuterus but he did admit that what he found was strange.

Oh well, onward and upward, hopefully this is just the remodeling my uterus needed to create the perfect habitat for a thriving embryo!


  1. I think it is great that you are creating this blog, Jerimi. Not only to help you organize your thoughts, see them down in print, and cope with them, but also to hopefully help others that may come after you.

  2. I just finished reading the entire recap, and I am floored. I wish I had known and been more supportive! Anyway, you have an amazing price at the end of this insanity, so hang in there and don't give up!!
    HUGE hug to both of you guys!
